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Jumbo Junior Farmers 4-H Club will help with township hall open house

Jumbo Junior Farmers 4-H Club met on June 27 for their sixth meeting of the year.  The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Grant Smith followed by the 4-H Pledge led by Evan Lyle.  Roll call was answered with favorite sport by 14 members with 3 advisors and 3 parents/guests present.  

In old business, T-shirts have been ordered and will be delivered at the next meeting.  Members volunteered to help with the Open House of the new Township Hall on July 9th from 10-2.  Members will sweep out the barns, donate cookies for the event and help clean during the event.

In new business, members met with advisors to look at project books and to ask questions about their projects.  Advisor Paul Ralston demonstrated how he uses a drone to help with his crop production.

The next meeting will be July 11 at 7:00 PM at the McDonald Township Hall. Drew Stephens will bring refreshments and Chance Taylor will bring drinks.
