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Jumbo Junior Farmers 4-H Club hears about 4-wheeler safety

Jumbo Junior Farmers 4-H Club met on June 13, 2016 for their fifth meeting of the year.  The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Alexa Lowry followed by the 4-H Pledge led by Chance Taylor.  Roll call was answered with favorite summer activity by 13 members with 3 advisors and 2 parents/guests present.

Kevin Smith, Safety Officer gave a report on how to be safe on a 4-Wheeler.  He said to wear a helmet, wear pants to protect from thorns and bugs, and drive safely.

Quality Assurance was held. Kids got to learn about how to care for animals. We did a activity on what you needed for your animal. We also did a worksheet to match animals and to the amount of waste they produced daily.  Members who were not there will need to make up Quality Assurance through the county.

On July 9, an open house will be held at the new Township Hall from 10:00-2:00. It was brought up how the club could help with the event.  Some ideas were sweeping the garages out, help clean tables during the event, bring cookies, help serve food, help vacuum floors and clean up after the event. Plans will be finalized at the next meeting.

The next meeting will be June 27th  at 7 P.M. at the McDonald Township Hall. Mr. Ralston will have a report to present.  Drinks and snacks will be brought by the Smiths.
