Story and photos by Monty Siekerman
The 8th annual Ada War Memorial truck and tractor pull drew 1,000 people to the competition on Saturday night after being rained out on Friday.
Hear them roar! The trucks and tractors competed in eight classes on the "back 40" of the park.
Hardin County pullers sponsored the event which drew drivers and machines from Ohio and nearby states. The local organizations motto is "Let's turn some dirt."
The pullers will be back for the F&M Picnic for a two-day competition on Friday and Saturday, Aug. 12 and 13.
New this year will be the "pullers fall brawl" starting at 3 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 1.
In case you missed the excitement, check out the photo essay by clicking on "Read More." You'll experience it all , but without the noise and dirt.
• Concession stands with the Hillbilly Hotel on top of the last one ( that's where the announcer sits).
• The excitement is enough to make you want to stand on your hands.
• Part of the crowd. You can sit in the stands, or pull your truck up and use the bed of it.
• When you don't have a flagpole on the "Back 40," a big wrecker will do nicely.
• Another photo of spectators on another set of bleachers. They applaud Mike Ott of the National Track and Pulling Legends Club from Bowling Green. Ott won with a tractor he purchased from the late Carl Bosse of Ada. Bosse built the tractor in the 1970s.