Photos and story by Monty Siekerman
Vancrest of Ada had a VIP open house Thursday with a public open house set for 1 to 3 p.m. on Sunday.
Here, Mark White, (left), president of the company, meets with Randy Cox, administrator of the local facility.
"Beautiful, spacious, well-planned, an asset to the community," were among the comments made by those who toured the newly-built nursing home which is located across from the school.
Vancrest has 50 rooms for skilled nursing care, 32 rooms for longterm care, and 18 rehabilitation rooms, plus dining areas, a bistro, rehab equipment, offices, and lounges...even one lounge devoted to ONU memorabilia.
• Pictured in the ice cream parlor are (from left) Deb Curlis, Chamber president; Dave Retterer, mayor; Jim Meyer, village administrator; and Jamie Hall, assistant village administrator.
* Ronda Saffle heads up the dining services as director of dietary at Vancrest in Ada. She has had 25 years of experience in the field, mostly in Toledo. The open house guests were treated to a sumptuous spread of shrimp, meats, fruit and desserts at the conclusion of their tour of the new Vancrest facility.
• ONU President Dan DiBiasio (left) and Roger Young in the ONU lounge/library. On the wall behind Prof. Young is the diploma of Mark Alan White, president of the Vancrest. The 1985 diploma was signed by Prof. Young who was dean of the college of business administration at the time.
• Guests gather in the main entrance to Vancrest.
• Mark White with Randy Cox