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As the school year comes to a close...

It's getting closer and closers...the last day of school. In the meantime, where are some reminders from the Ada school website.

May 18th Senior Honors Banquet 6:00 pm Cafeteria
May 19th Baccalaureate 7:00 pm at ONU English Chapel
May 20th Spring Fever Follies 7:00 pm Auditorium
May 23rd Community Service Day for Seniors
May 24th Junior High Awards Assembly 9:30 AM Auditorium
May 24th High School Honor Assembly 1:15 – 3:15 pm Auditorium
May 25th Graduation practice 10:30 – 11:30 High School gymnasium 
May 26th Last day of School for K-11 grades ***Early dismissal at 1:30 pm***
May 27th Teacher’s work day
May 29th Commencement at 2:00 PM Ada High School Gym
June 4th Ada Alumni Banquet at 5:30 in Cafeteria

VOLLEYBALL: Any girls in grades 6-11 planning on attending volleyball camp please turn in papers to Miss Steiner or Mrs. Gossard by Wednesday, May 18th.  

ALL LIBRARY BOOKS NEED TO BE RETURNED THIS WEEK. This includes any copies of borrowed Book Club titles. In addition, there will be no new check-outs through the end of the year. Overdue notices will be posted on the library windows beginning TODAY. See Mrs. Smith with any questions.

BACCALAUREATE SERVICE: Thursday, May 19, at 7 p.m .at the ONU Chapel. 
