Blanchard Valley Health System (BVHS) was recently recognized at the Gold Level by The Partnership for Excellence (TPE), Ohio, West Virginia and Indiana’s Performance Excellence Program.
BVHS prepared and submitted a 50 page application based on the Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence. The information covered BVHS leadership, strategic planning, customers, workforce, operations and results. Each application underwent a rigorous evaluation process involving a team of independent examiners, which concluded with an on-site visit. An independent panel of judges reviewed a feedback report submitted by the board of examiners and developed award recommendations for the TPE Board of Trustees.
“We are very honored to be recognized by The Partnership for Excellence. The criteria allows us to reflect on different areas of our organization and find opportunities for improvement,” said Dr. Bill Kose, chief quality officer.
In June, BVHS will receive a formal feedback report, indicating organizational strengths and opportunities for improvements. Dr. Kose added, “Our journey to performance excellence does not end here. We are excited to get our feedback report and learn more about what we can do to make BVHS better for our patients, our associates and our community.”
BVHS and nine other award recipients will be honored during the annual TPE Quest for Success Conference, held in September in Columbus, OH.