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Ada Teacher Feature: Melissa Gossard - "Spread your wings and the wind will carry you"

Compiled by Darlene Bowers

Welcome to the Ada Icon’s “Ada Teacher Feature.” Here we share thoughts and insights from local teachers who lift up and inspire our students. Let us lift up and inspire these educators as well.

Today we meet Melissa Gossard, first grade teacher, who shares the words she recalls hearing upon her graduation, “You may not know where you are going, but as long as you spread your wings the wind will carry you.” Thanks, Melissa, for spreading your wings and encouraging and supporting our students to also spread their wings.

Subjects and Grades currently teaching.
I am currently a first grade teacher at Ada.

Extracurricular activities, groups, clubs, sports with which you are involved.
I am also the Ada varsity volleyball coach.

Degrees earned.
I graduated from Hardin Northern High School. I then went to Ashland University where I played volleyball and graduated with a degree in Elementary Education.  I waited a few years and then went to University of Findlay where I received my master’s degree in Special Education.

How long in teaching profession?
I am currently in my 21st year of teaching.

Why are you a teacher?
I am a teacher because I have the love and respect for the children I teach.  Teaching is not just my occupation but it is my passion.  My work is my hobby.   I also had really great role models at Hardin Northern that gave me inspiration, and always had dreamed of being a teacher since childhood.

What motivates you?
What motivates me is when a student comes and visits me when they are in high school and shares how they are succeeding in life. I am motivated to help kids and be a part of something greater than just myself. 

What’s the best advice you give students?

The best advice I give my students is to never give up!!  I want them to be problem solvers with everything they do in the classroom or out of the classroom.

What’s the best advice you can give parents or caregivers?
The best advice I can give parents is to be involved with your child's education. Parents who take an active interest in their child's work and school well-being are one of the biggest contributors to my students' success. 

What’s the best thing students can do for you?
The best thing students can do for me is give me 110% every day.

What makes Ada schools unique or different?
Ada Schools are unique because there is a sense of connection and it is not only felt and shared among students, it is virtually shared by all stakeholders, and especially teachers. 

If you weren’t a teacher what would you be doing?

I really do not know what I would be doing with my life if I wasn't a teacher.  I was told at graduation by a very wise teacher this: You may not know where you are going, but as long as you spread your wings the wind will carry you.  I always believed my schooling may be over, but my education continues.


