By Lee Crouse
[email protected]
July 1973 Wayne Fleming was the president of the Ada Farmers & Merchants Picnic Board: Dale Bucher, secretary and Dale Gardner, treasurer.
The day in August, parking will be in charge of the Boy Scouts with Park Elwood and Earl Baughman overseeing. Mrs. Vera Oates of the Ada Garden Club is in charge of the flower show. Mrs. Carol Griffin and Mrs. Harold Henry are in charge of the queen contest.
Harold Henry and Mack Fisher are in charge of the pet parade and Eldon Decker in charge of the pony pull.
Lloyd Elwood is chairman of the horseshoe pitching contests; Dennis Burris and Bob Wyss, Jr., head the tractor pull; William Ansley is in charge of the community band. Tom Tighe and Gerald Fleming are in charge of various food booths.
Joe Bischoff and Leslie Griffin chair the saddle horse committee and Irvin Vandemark and Ray McClure will host the talent show and Bob James and Don Fleming are chairmen of the boys and girls track meet.