The first meeting of the Hardin Co Hootenannies was held at Faith Holbrook's farm. She had five new baby goats to let the members enjoy.
The members guessed on which doe would deliver her kids next. Winners were Riley Fleece -first; Seth Davis and Faith - second. Parents, visitors, and advisors that won were: Billie Mizek and Jason Fleece - first; Ray Davis, Grant and Carter Mizek - second.
President Isaac Davis opened the meeting and asked Sean Hurley to lead the pledge to the American Flag and Seth Davis to lead in the 4-H pledge. We welcomed Elisha Lowery to our club.
Old business was recapping the 2015 Hardin Co Fair. Our goat program did very well! We are super proud of our members.
New business: Excited about a prize given out for bringing new members to 4-H, even if it isn't our own club. We are open to all livestock as well as any still projects. If we don't know enough about the projects, we will find someone to help our members.
Advisor Grant Mizek will hand out project option books at our next meeting. Advisor Ray Davis told about some changes to the fair this year: new times for weigh-ins, our Just Kidding Around fun day time will change to 2pm Sun due to the Showman of Showmen moving to 3pm on Sun.
The club has decided against having a booth at the fair and will put still project items in the open section.
We will plan for more outings and learning clinics this year so everyone is encouraged to bring their calendars with them to the next meeting. We will also look at some color choices for our 2016 club T-shirts.
The election of our new officers will be at our Mar 20th meeting, so anyone wanting to run for an office should be preparing their campaign speech.
The next meeting is on Sun Mar 6th at the Ag Credit in Kenton at 2 PM. Sean Hurley will bring refreshments. Any questions, call Grant Mizek at 937-539-0910. Everyone is welcome!
Pictured: The Hootenannies welcomed a new "KID", Xavier (baby goat in center). Front row left to right: Isaac Davis, Elisha Lowery, Faith Holbrook, Sean Hurley, Wesley Lowery. Back row: Riley Fleece and Seth Davis