Photos and story by Monty Siekerman
There was a good turnout of sellers and buyers at the craft and vendor fair held at the Ada VFW on Saturday. All proceeds went to help Amelia Griffin and her family help pay medical expenses. Amelia, 5, has cancer.
• Stacy Manns at Your Inspiration at Home table, offering many flavors, such as dips, seasonings, glazes and spices.
• Shirley Matthewson (left) places an order with Jessica Jordan for LimeLight. Jessica was chairperson for the craft and vendor.
• Julie Boecher at the Belvedere Emporium table. She is also promoting another event to help Amelia, which is a chicken dinner at Grace Gospel Church on April 28. The meal costs $8 and is available as drive through pickup from 4:30 to 7 p.m.
• Patty Griffin offered items for sale from the company Thrive by Le-Vet, roses made of metal by her husband, and towels made by her mother, Fran Wince...almost a mini mall at one table.