Compiled by Darlene Bowers
Welcome to the Ada Icon's "Ada Teacher Feature." Here we share thoughts and insights from local teachers who lift up and inspire our students.
Let us lift up and inspire these educators as well. Today we meet Kristie Steiner, art teacher. It was Georgia O'Keefe who said, "I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way - things I had no words for."
Kristie is helping our students learn to express themselves and find what interests them, too.
Subjects and grades currently teaching.
Art- Grades 1-12
Extracurricular activities, groups, clubs, sports with which you are involved.
I coach Junior High volleyball, softball and also a club volleyball team. I am also a member of the Building Leadership Team.
Degrees earned and from which institutions.
I graduated high school from Hardin Northern High School and then received a Bachelor of Fine Arts: Art Education from Bowling Green State University.
How long in teaching profession?
This will be my second year teaching and at Ada Schools
Why are you a teacher?
I have had many other jobs where I worked with people, but teaching is by far the best one. I really enjoy working with kids and helping them express themselves
What motivates you?
Seeing the student get excited about an artist or project really motivates me as a teacher. I am always looking for new art ideas or artists to share with the students hoping they find something interesting in them.
What’s the best advice you give students?
Don’t be afraid to make mistakes!
What’s the best advice you can give parents and caregivers?
Always encourage kids to be creative and express themselves.
What’s the best thing students can do for you?
Always try their best and ask questions, I learn so much from questions that students ask so it helps me more than them!
What’s the best thing parents and caregivers can do for you?
Encourage their children to talk or share about what they have learned or created.
What makes Ada schools unique or different?
I think what makes Ada Schools unique is the strong sense of community. I love that we have a K-12 building and get to share all aspects of the school environment together.
Can you identify your best or most memorable teaching moment?
One of the best moments I have had so far was when I had a group of 7th graders who had just finished a clay project and I fired them in the kiln. Every project blew up. I was so upset and thought the students would be just as upset with me. Instead, they totally understood and were trying to make me feel better about it. Such great kids and a moment I will not forget.
What excites, interests or captivates you inside the classroom?
When students have that ah-ha moment in the room and I get to see them understand the lesson.
What excites, interests orcaptivates you outside the classroom?
Traveling to different places and experiencing new things! I love food, so I am always trying to find a unique restaurant to visit everywhere I go.
Best advice for students who are graduating from high school soon?
You are in control of your education, don’t assume it should be given to you.
If you weren’t teaching what would you be doing?
I can see myself working in an art gallery or museum, something that kept me busy and was not the same thing every day. I like change and doing different things.