Ada High School yearbooks are now on sale. Several other noteworthy announcements follow, from the Ada school website:
Yearbooks are on sale. Order your's at with Ada school code 4902. Parents or friends can also use under “buy a year book ad” to buy a senior ad. They can upload their own pictures and a special message for their seniors.
AUDITIONS FOR BAND, CREW OR SINGER/DANCER: There will be a meeting Friday for all students interested in auditioning for band, crew or singer/dancer for Varsity Singers next school year. Ear your lunch quickly then meet in Mrs. Glenn’s room.
March 12 - Get Down with a Gown Event from 9 a.m. to noon at First United Methodist Church in Kenton - come get a gently used prom dress at little or no cost. You may also donate or sell a dress see Mrs. Prater for more info.
REGISTRATION FORMS FOR GIRLS SOFTBALL: This clinic has been cancelled for April 9.
National Honor Society: Applications for the National Honor Society were mailed home to juniors and seniors with a GPA of 3.4 or higher that is not already members of NHS. If you believe you should have received an application and did not or would like additional copies of the application, please see Mrs. Davis. Also, the list of potential Honor Points has been revised. Applying candidates should see Mrs. Davis for an updated list and with any questions.
HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: if you would like to participate in St Rita's Summer Volunteen Program, pick up a packet in the high school office or go to www.stritas.orgto get the application. They are due by March 11.
ADA KIWANIS CLUB’S 64TH ANNUAL PANCAKE AND SAUSAGE DAY- Saturday, March 19, from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Ada High School cafeteria. All-you-can eat $7 pre-sale. At the door: $8. Children age 10 and under eat free. The Ada Area Chamber of Commerce is hosting the Easter Bunny from 8 -11 a.m. with treats for the youngsters.
Other March events
5th Governor’s Art Show 8 a.m.-1 p.m.
7th County College Credit Plus Meeting, Rhodes State College, 6:30 p.m
7th FCA, 6:50 p.m.
9th College Credit Plus meeting, Ada, 7 p.m., auditorium
10th Hardin County quiz bowl tournament, Ada High School, 4 p.m.
13th Daylight Saving Time Turn clocks forward 1 hour
19th Kiwanis pancake and sausage day 7 a.m. to 2 p.m., cafeteria
24th End of 3rd 9-weeks
25th to 28th No school, Easter break
29th 2-hour early dismiss,1:30 p.m., professional development
29th Red Cross blood drive, 2 to 9 p.m., 1986 gym
30th FFA banquet, 6:30 to 9 p.m., cafeteria
April 1- Grade cards sent home