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Daniel A. DiBiasio awarded Phi Gamma Delta’s Distinguished Fiji Award

Daniel A. DiBiasio, president of Ohio Northern University, was awarded Phi Gamma Delta’s Distinguished Fiji Award at ONU’s Greek Awards Banquet on Feb. 14.

The Distinguished Fiji Award is presented annually to no more than six graduate brothers who are deserving of recognition for their career accomplishments, their special contribution to mankind and society at large, or their faithful and unselfish service to Phi Gamma Delta. The fraternity’s Board of Directors, known as Archons, selects brothers for this honor.

William Martin, executive director of Phi Gamma Delta, said, “Phi Gamma Delta has always had a special appreciation for our brothers who are leaders in higher education. It is a privilege for me to present this award to President DiBiasio.”

DiBiasio joined Phi Gamma Delta as an undergraduate at Ohio Wesleyan University. He graduated in 1971, earning a Bachelor of Arts in English and later receiving his master’s degree and Ph.D. from Ohio State University. Prior to becoming president of Ohio Northern University in 2011, DiBiasio was president of Wilmington College from 1995-2011.

He has held leadership roles in higher education and has served many boards on national, state and local levels. DiBiasio serves on the boards of the Educational and Institutional Insurance Administrators (EIIA) and the Liberty National Bank in Ada. He also chairs the board of directors for Ohio Campus Compact, a statewide nonprofit coalition of college and university presidents and their campuses working to promote and develop the civic purposes of higher education.

Founded on May 1, 1848, Phi Gamma Delta is a men’s social fraternity with more than 128,000 living members and 158 chapters and colonies across North America.