How's your spelling?
Ada fourth through eighth graders are preping for this year's spelling bee. It's at 1:15 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 15, in the school auditorium.
Here are the contestants:
8th grade: Three of these seven students who are taking a tie-breaker spelling test:
Isaac, Nathan, Theo, Madison, Hunter, Ryley, Khyler
7th grade: Ryan, Jacob, Megan (Alt: Leona)
6th grade: Ireland, Eddy, Lauren (alt: Molly)
5th grade: Lily, Dale, Kayla (Alt: Robyn)
4th grade: Autumn, Abdallah, Kailey (Alt: Tara)
Lots of other news is coming from Ada schools. Here's an update of events from the school website:
CONGRATS: to the Elks Teens of the Month for January: Ashley and Thomas. February: Alex and Brayden.
JH GIRLS SOFTBALL: There will be a Junior High girls' softball meeting during lunch on Monday the 15th in Miss Steiner’s room.
ATTENTION SCIENCE-FICTION FANS: Whether it's sci-fi movies or books you love, we would love to have you join us for Book Club this month as we welcome author Tobias Bucknell for a special edition of "desserts and discussion" during lunch on Thursday, Feb. 25.
In preparation for this event, if you visit the library before then and check out one of the sci-fi books on display, you will be entered into a drawing to win one of three Dietsch chocolate giveaways. See Mrs. Smith in the library with any questions.
SPRING PICTURES: Junior High and high school spring pictures will be taken on Wednesday, Feb. 24. Order forms are in the high school. Please have the completed picture order form along with money at the time of picture taking.
Feb. 15 - Presidents’ Day No School
Feb. 17 - Spelling Bee at 1 pm Auditorium Cancel date Feb. 19 at 1 p.m.
Feb. 18 - Board of Education meeting at 5:00 pm in Board office
Feb. 21 - Ada Academic Purse Raffle at McIntosh Center in Ballroom Doors open at 1 p.m.
Feb. 22 - FCA at 6:50 p.m. Cafeteria
Feb. 23 - 2-hour Early Dismissal at 1:30 p.m. Professional Teacher In-Service
Feb. 24 - Spring Pictures - Order forms in High School Office
Feb. 26 - Interims sent home with students at end of day
Feb. 29 - FCA at 6:50 p.m.