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Which state has a climate suitable for growing citrus fruits - California or Maine?

Our headline question's answer is "Califorinia," and these Ada elementary and junior high students already knew the answer.

Why? They competed in this year's Ada's District Geography Bee, held Jan. 21.

Mike Styer, 7th and 8th grade Social Studies teacher, moderated the Bee. Suzanne Hardesty, Gifted Coordinator, was the Bee coordinator and second judge.

Winners were:
• Ireland Marshall, first
• Nathan Hurtig, second
• Connor Daugherty, third

Suzanne Hardesty provided the Icon with some background on the event, which makes it even more iteresting:

• Connor is a 5th grader and it is rare to have a younger-than-6th grade in the top 3.  He said that he really didn't study, but that his dad puts the TV on channels with news or history and hides the remote.

• Nathan has come close to winning the Geography Bee in years' past and was the odds-on favorite to win this year.

• Ireland was not originally planning to be on stage today. She was an alternate.  When her classmate and friend, Luci, was unable to compete, Ireland agreed to be on stage in her place. 

Luci knew that Ireland's parents were not planning on attending the Bee, so she had her mom call Ireland's mom to tell them of the change. Ireland's mom was able to see the last few moments of the Bee when her daughter was crowned District Champion, thanks to the quick thinking of Ireland's friend.

This year's Bee competitors: 

Grade 4: Devin Bober, Kayla Davie
Grade 5: Connor Daugherty, Casen Jones
Grade 6: Luci Wall, Molly Zimmerman  
   (Luci was not able to compete that day, so Ireland took her place on stage)
Grade 7:JD Shrader, Cody Johnston
Grade 8: Nathan Hurtig, Reece Evans

Grade 4: Kylee Kober
Grade 5: Patrick Williams
Grade 6: Ireland Marshall
Grade 7: Jake Poling
Grade 8: Dulee Bagais



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