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Bob Szuch, headquartered in Ada, manages four Raymond James offices

Editor's note: This is the third in a series of articles featuring business and industry located in Grass Run Industrial Park.

Story and photo by Monty Siekerman
This interview with Bob Szuch took place on the fourth trading day of the new year when the stock market was tanking in the U.S. and around the world. One would think a broker's phone would be ringing off the hook.

"Sell, before I lose more money."
"Buy, the prices are low."

But all was relatively quiet that morning in Bob's office, which is located in Grass Run Industrial Park.

Bob said what goes down, eventually comes back up. No panic. His clients didn't panic that morning.

He has been suggesting an ETF that goes to cash in a down market.

The DOW ended in the red 400 points that day, making the first four days of the new year the worst ever.

Bob is registered principal with Raymond James and manager of four branches: Ottawa, Defiance, and two in Lima.

He's been at the job 34 years, nearly all in Ada. He said you need to know your clients to know what to recommend that is best for them.

His many years here have given him the opportunity to know his clients.

He sees massive changes in the economy over the past three decades. He said people don't save anymore for their retirement years.

Also, high health care costs are forcing retirees to go back to work, at least part-time, to pay for health care.

In addition, CDs and bonds pay very low interest, so some people are forced to take higher risks with their retirement savings.

Bob has been a member of the Ada park board for 19 years.

He and his wife, Anita, a registered nurse, are members of Calvary Baptist Church in Findlay.

They are the parents of four children: Jason of Ada, Andrea of Pickerington, Jonathan of Pickerington, and Thuanh of Phoenix.
