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Fast-paced Presser Hall concert provides international sounds

Photos by Michael J. Ayers
It was not just any Tuesday evening chamber ensemble concert in Presser Hall on the ONU campus. It featured international beats and movements performed by local musicans and dancers.

Adam Grim and Dr. Sarah Waters directed the performance.

Photos representing difference aspects of the performance  include:

• ONU students performing a fast-paced and physically challenging traditional African dance.

The group performed a Ghanian ritual dance of harvest arranged by Benjamin Obodo Ayettey who also directed the dance and drum ensemble.

Ayettey is a Fulbright Scholar who is teaching at ONU this school year.

• Two groups played steel drums. 

When the song ended, the crowd jumped to their feet, giving a standing ovation and whistling approval of the performance by the Junior Steel Drum.

• Six students from the 5th through 7th grades from Ada and Bath schools wowed the audience with their music during a chamber ensemble concert.

The Icon appreciates the permission given to post these photos taken by Michael J. Ayers, The Ayers Inc. Photography, [email protected].