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University public relations program re-accredited for CEPR designation from the PRSA

The Ohio Northern University public relations program has been re-accredited for Certified for Education in Public Relations (CEPR) designation from the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA).

PRSA recognized Ohio Northern’s accomplishment at the PRSA 2015 International Conference in Atlanta on Nov. 7. Dr. Alisa Agozzino, APR, assistant professor of public relations, accepted on behalf of ONU.

A two-person review team from PRSA spent three days on ONU’s campus in February 2015. This team reviewed the ONU public relation program’s ability to effectively meet nine CEPR standards: public relations curriculum; public relations faculty; resources, equipment and facilities; public relations students; program self-assessment; relationships with alumni and professionals; relationships with total unit and university; Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) chapter; and diversity.

The team’s conclusion stated, “The Ohio Northern University Public Relations program meets all CEPR recertification standards. The curriculum serves students’ needs, the program’s graduates are well-employed, and the program is well-received across the ONU campus and in the Ohio community. Its two full-time faculty are highly engaged with students, the ONU community, regional PRSA members, employers and national leaders. In addition, the students are enthusiastic about their major choice and participate in many pre-professional and professional activities that serve their own, the program’s and the industry’s best interests.”

ONU’s public relations program first earned CEPR status in 2003, with re-accreditation in 2009. This latest re-accreditation extends for an additional six years. The program at ONU is one of only 39 in the world to hold the CEPR designation from PRSA.

“With this CEPR designation, students can be assured they will receive the highest quality education,” explained Agozzino. “Additionally, this gives our students a distinction that sets them apart from other applicants, while providing potential employers the peace of mind that we are providing students with the best preparation to practice public relations.”

PRSA established its CEPR program to offer colleges and universities the opportunity for review and endorsement of their public relations education programs. This seal of approval provides the faculty, curriculum and resources needed to prepare students for entry-level positions and career growth in public relations.