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University to hold CLE on ‘Ethics, Professionalism and Substance Abuse’

The Ohio Northern University Pettit College of Law will host a CLE on “Ethics, Professionalism and Substance Abuse” in the large moot courtroom on Friday, Sept. 25, at 12:45 p.m. The CLE will include three lectures from top professionals tackling different viewpoints on the topics.

Bryan H. Ward, associate dean of academic affairs and professor of law at the ONU Pettit College of Law, opens the event with a presentation on “Social Media, Advertising and the Rules of Professional Conduct.” He will examine an attorney’s use of social media, such as Facebook, as an advertising platform and the interface between Rule 7.1 and 7.2 of the Ohio Rules of Professional Conduct and the use of such Internet platforms.

Ward joined the ONU Law faculty in 1999 after five years in the general practice of law with a focus on bankruptcy and commercial litigation in Troy, Ohio, and the greater Dayton, Ohio, area. Ward teaches in the areas of criminal law and criminal procedure. He writes in the areas of criminal sentencing and criminal procedure. He was a member of the 2008 Fellows Class of the Ohio State Bar Foundation and served for two terms on the Ohio Supreme Court Commission on the Certification of Attorneys as Specialists. He currently serves on the Ohio Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism. Ward received the 2007 Fowler V. Harper Award for Excellence in Legal Scholarship and the 2007 Faculty Appreciation Award, presented by the Student Bar Association.

Allison Mittendorf, ONU instructor of legal writing, will speak on “Daily Professionalism.” This presentation will outline several scenarios in which professionalism issues can arise. Strategies for dealing with these issues will be presented and discussed, along with tips for avoiding some common professionalism pitfalls.

Mittendorf joined the ONU College of Law faculty in fall 2004. She teaches in the areas of legal research, writing and analysis. She is an active member of the Legal Writing Institute, for which she has served as an assistant editor and peer reviewer for Legal Writing: The Journal of the Legal Writing Institute and presented at workshops. Prior to joining the College of Law faculty, Mittendorf was a public defender and legal aid attorney in Erie County, Ohio. She handled all aspects of criminal litigation and appeals as well as bankruptcy, landlord-tenant and family law issues. Mittendorf also has worked for civil litigation firms, handling matters such as eminent domain, insurance defense and estate planning.

Steven J. Martin, ONU Dean of the Raabe College of Pharmacy, will close out the event discussing “Tales From the Front: Inside and Outside Perspectives on Drug and Alcohol Addiction.” In this session, Martin will describe his personal experience with a family member’s addiction and walk through the lessons learned from his perspective. Emotional, moral and legal issues will be discussed. The underlying causes of addiction will be presented, and a discussion on success in addiction management will be offered.

Martin became dean at the Raabe College of Pharmacy in July 2014. Prior to that, he was chair of the Department of Pharmacy Practice and professor at the University of Toledo (UT) College of Pharmacy. Prior to UT, Martin was a faculty member at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Martin is a pharmacist and has practiced pharmacy in independent community, chain-based community, and hospital pharmacy settings. His practice has been the critical-care setting since 1985, and his research focus is on infection in the critically ill.