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Lots of skill needed in F&M pedal tractor pull - here are the winners

There's plenty of tractor drivers in Ada, and many are under the age of 8.

Thirty-three of those youngsters competed in the Ada Kiwanis Club  Pedal Tractor Pull at the Ada Farmers and Merchants Picnic on Aug. 8.

The winners were:
Class 1 (ages 3 and 4):
1st place, Xavier Gammon, 4, Alger
2nd place, Kiden Fensler 4, Ada 
3rd place, Sarah Klingler, 4, Ada 
4th place, Reese Heister, 4, Washington, D.C.

Class 2 (ages 5 and 6):
1st place, Caynan Schick, 6 Waynesfield
2nd place, Kyan Daniels, 5, Ada
3rd place, Reese Blackmore, 6, New Albany
4th place, Kody Kiser age 6, Rushslvania

Class 3 (ages 7 and 8)
1st place, Kennedy Jones, Ada
2nd place, Anna Conley age 7, Ada
3rd place, Ethan Lawrence, 8, Ada
4th place, Tyson Baney, 8 Bluffton

The club has assisted the Farmers and Merchants Picnic Board with the peal pull event for the past several years.

