Popcorn chicken with barbecue sauce, nutrition bar, mash potatoes with gravy, side kicks and milk.
The above is a serious sign that the 2015-16 school year is getting closer. The list is the menu for opening day of Ada schools for Monday, Aug. 24.
The entire August school menu is now available. CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE AUGUST MENU.
Here's this year's prices:
for K-12 $1.25
Reduced 30 cents
K-5 $2
6-12 $2.25
Reduced 40 cents
Fruit may be fresh, frozen and/or canned
• A variety of subs, wraps and smart snacks will be available for grades 6 – 12 daily
• Salad bar will start on Sept 14
Lunch applications are available on our the school website and/or in the office or by calling 419-772-4312.