Liberty Township won the prize for having the most rainfall in Hardin County's townships during June.
Liberty also has had more rain this growing season than any other county township.
According to Mark Badertscher of the Hardin Extension Office, rainfall reporters recorded an average of 10.99 inches of rain in Hardin County. Last year, the average rainfall for June was 5.52 inches. Rainfall for June was 6.79 inches more for the month than for the ten year average rainfall in the month of June.
Liberty Township received 13.43 inches for the month, the most of any of the township sites. The least rain in June, 8.41 inches was collected in Buck Township.
For the growing season since April 15, the average precipitation in all the townships was 15.74 inches, with a wide range from 13.15 inches in Goshen Township to 19.10 inches in Liberty Township.
Heavy rains continued to fall in the county throughout June, causing flooding and ponding in several fields. Several large areas in fields have been washed out and crops in these locations have not survived.
Corn and soybeans have shown stress from too much rain and lack of nutrient uptake, specifically nitrogen in the saturated soils.
Several farmers have been unable to get into fields with the wet conditions to finish applying nitrogen to corn and herbicides to soybean crops.
Wheat harvest is about 50 percent complete, with frequent rains causing sprouting and grain quality issues, becoming worse each time it rains.