Robin VanBuskirk, Ada’s K-12 principal, describes the local school's partnership with ONU's Prison Management Certificate Program for men from Saudi Arabia.
How many children from Saudi Arabia attend the local school?
The program began in 2008 with 32 students. This year there were 18 students in the fall. Currently, there are only 7 enrolled because several of the wives went home with their children after the first semester. The fathers, who are in a two-year prison management program, spend the spring on internships at prisons throughout Ohio.
How old are most of the Saudi children who are enrolled here?
Most are in kindergarten through third grade.
What special learning programs do you have for the youngsters?
ONU provides an ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher. Since most children are young, they pick up a second language quickly, both speaking and reading.
Do the children take the required state proficiency tests?
Yes, the university provides a translator for the questions. ONU has been very helpful in many ways. They also keep us informed about how many will be enrolled each semester.
How do the children fit in with local kids?
It has added an element of diversity for both the visiting children and local residents. Children are very accepting of people from other cultures and they have learned from one another.
Are the Saudi children in class all day?
Yes, and they participate in other activities along with the local children. For example, some have speaking parts in elementary programs.
Any issues with clothing?
No, since most students are young, the female children are not required to wear headscarves or burkas.
Do you hear from any who were enrolled several years ago?
Yes, several have said that they want to come back and visit. The time they spent in Ada is part of their past, a good memory.
Does the enrollment of the children cost the school system money?
They are counted in our Average Daily Membership and we receive a small amount of federal grant money for each student enrolled.
Has the program been successful?
Yes, the Ada students and Saudi students learn a different culture and we have continued to have a lot of support from Ohio Northern University.
(Monty Siekerman)