ANY 7TH GRADER: who received a letter that they qualify for Beta Club and has not paid the membership dues, should do so by Wednesday, April 1. We use the dues to order all membership materials so we need to collect that money as soon as possible. If you have questions, please see Mrs. Breidenbach in the elementary office.
ATTENTION CURRENT SOPHOMORES & JUNIORS: interested in the Film and Lit elective next year: There will be a meeting during lunch on Wednesday, April 1. Get your lunch and come to Mr. Ames' classroom to discuss the course and what will be required.
ATTENTION SENIORS: Please bring in a baby picture and a senior picture for the Baccalaureate service by Wednesday, May 6, to Mrs. Pifer in the HS office. Make sure your name is on the back and all pictures will be returned to you. The service is at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, May 20, at the ONU chapel.
MUSIC BOOSTERS: iare selling 45 gallon buckets of laundry detergent as well as trash bags. All music students are selling. Feel free to order through them or just print off an attached form and turn into the office drop box for the Music Boosters. As the musical is quickly approaching, expenses are growing and your support would be greatly appreciated.
SENIORS: The Ada Local Scholarships on the school website are all due April 1. Note that a couple of the scholarships have additional essays, so please see Mrs. Prater to get those essay questions. Turn all the local scholarships into the office and we will get transcripts attached and turn the scholarships all in together to the necessary organizations.
REMINDER FOR JUNIORS & SENIORS: Prom Quest Request forms are available in the high school office. Students are allowed to bring a guest from outside of our school or alumni to high school activities providing that arrangements are made in advance. Pick up a guest request form in the office if you want to bring a guest from outside to the school Prom or After Prom. Fill out the information and return the completed form to the office by 3:30 p.m. April 29.
ATTENTION FILM CLUB: We will be having our next meeting on Tuesday, April 7. We will be talking about music in film in watching "The Fountain."