Only 15 days remain in March, but lots of events are on the Ada school calendar. Here's a recent update from the Ada school website:
Now through March 20th OGT Testing
March 18th 8th grade Washington DC Trip Parent meeting 6 – 7 p.m. in cafeteria
March 20th End of 3rd Quarter
March 23rd FCA meeting in cafeteria 7 – 8:45 p.m.
March 26th Blood Drive in 86 gym 2 – 9 p.m.
March 26th FFA Banquet 6:30 p.m. Cafeteria
March 27th 3rd Quarter grade cards sent home with students
March 27th Interclass in the auditorium
March 30th FCS meeting in cafeteria 7 – 8:45 p.m.
March 31st 2 Hour Early Dismissal due to Teacher-In-Service
SENIORS: The Ada Local Scholarships on the school website are all due April 1. Note that a couple of the scholarships have additional essays, so please see Mrs. Prater to get those essay questions. Turn all the local scholarships into the office and we will get transcripts attached and turn the scholarships all in together to the necessary organizations.
STUDENT COUNCIL: Will have a meeting at the end of lunch on Thursday, March 19. Please eat your lunch and report to the Media Center with 10 minutes left in the period. All members are expected to attend. Desserts will be provided.
ATTENTION STUDENTS GRADE 6-8: Bring in Box Tops/Campbell’s soup labels into your first period classroom to win a Lunch Pizza party. Everything provided by the Academic Boosters. Also, High School grades 9-12 this is your last chance this school year to win a $150, $100 or $50 Visa gift card. Turn into you Language Arts teacher or at the Media Center drop box. Sponsored by the Academic Boosters.
2014-2015 YEARBOOKS: Are on sale now. Go online to and use Ada’s code 4902. Sneak peeks are coming soon.
FOR STUDENTS AND PARENTS WHO MISSED THE FIRST COLLEGE CREDIT PLUS MEETING: There is another opportunity on Monday, March 23, at 6:30 p.m. in Reed Hall at the Lima OSU campus. There will be a general information session then info from the following colleges: Findlay, ONU, OSU, Rhodes, UNOH and Wright State.