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ONU announces 2015 art exhibition and gallery season

Ohio Northern University has announced its 2015 art exhibition and gallery season at the Elzay Gallery of Art and the Stambaugh Studio Theatre Gallery. The gallery season is designed to serve as a cultural resource for the entire Ohio Northern community and surrounding region. Featured shows during this year’s season include:

Ezekiel Award Winners
Elzay Gallery of Art:
 Jan. 19-Feb. 27

The Peggy Ezekiel Awards are presented annually to recognize outstanding achievement in theatre design and technology produced by United States Institute for Theater Technology/Ohio Valley Section members. This exhibit displays the best in costume design, lighting design, scenic design, sound design, technology/craft and architecture.

Graphic Advocacy: International Posters for the Digital Age 2001-2012
Elzay Gallery of Art:
March 23-April 12

This exhibition, organized by the Massachusetts College of Art and Design, features the poster as a medium for social change. From confrontational and political to the promotional, persuasive and educational, the poster persists as a vehicle for the public dissemination of ideas, information, and opinion. Posters also serve as a powerful visual manifestation of a designer’s commitment to society when non-commissioned posters are created as a means to raise money to support political and humanitarian causes. This exhibit was made possible by the Committee for Cultural and Special Events.

Senior Capstone Exhibit
Elzay Gallery of Art: April 20-May 3

Six Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Fine Arts candidates in graphic design, studio arts, art education and advertising design have devoted a full year to producing thematically focused research projects as part of the required capstone experience at ONU. This exhibit features the transformation from art and design students to art and design professionals engaged in a lifelong process of development and learning.

Poster for Tomorrow’s Work Right! Poster Exhibit
Stambaugh Studio Theatre Gallery:
 Jan. 19-March 27

Poster for Tomorrow’s “A Day for Tomorrow” exhibition returns to Ohio Northern for a second year. Work Right! is comprised of 100 posters from international artists and designers serving as a launchpad for thoughtful debate on workers’ rights. A jury of renowned graphic designers selected the top 100 from more than 3,000 entries. Posters cover a variety of workers’ right topics from child labor to gender discrimination to human trafficking.

A&D Student Photography Exhibit
Stambaugh Studio Theatre Gallery
April 20-May 3

Final projects from the Department of Art & Design’s photography and communication course will be on display.