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15 minutes with Ada seniors Madison Stoner and Jarod Woodland

15 minutes with Madison Stoner and Jarod Woodland

Madison, tell me what classes you are taking this year:
Art 4, Psychology, English 12 CP, Algebra 3, Communications and Photography.

How about your schedule, Jarod:
Psychology, English 12 CP, Spanish 4, Rock and Pop – that’s a music course -, Personal Finance and Photography.

When did each of you start attending Ada schools?
Madison: In first grade. I moved here from Coldwater.
Jarod: In first grade. I moved here from Findlay.

What do you remember from first grade?
(Long pause)
Jarod: My desk was really messy. My teacher was Mrs. Gossard.
Madison: I can’t remember much.

What activities are you in?
Madison: I was in volleyball my freshman to junior years. I was also in dance.
Jarod: When I was a freshman and sophomore I was in football. As a junior I was in cross country. As a senior was in soccer. I’m also a wrestler.

Tell me about your wrestling career:
Jarod: When I was a freshman I wrestled at 220. As a sophomore, 182 and as a junior and this year I’m at 195.

What’s your goal?
To make it to state. Last year my record was 34 and 12. I’m 9 and 1 so far this season. I’ve had seven pins so far this year. My quickest was in 21 seconds.

Madison, tell me about your dance interests.
Madison: I really like Hip-Hop. It’s crazy and fun.

How many tunes are on your I-phone?
I have 300. Mostly One Direction or British boy bands.

What might your friends be surprised to find on your I-phone?
Probably a couple of Elvis songs. I share my tunes with my mom.

I understand you both work at the pool in the summer. Tell me about it.

Jarod: I work the slide a lot. The average age of a kid using the slide is 10.
Madison: The worst thing about working the slide is when a little kid wants to go down and he’s shorter than 4 feet tall. Anyone shorter than that can’t use the slide. Once a kid with a life vest wanted to use the slide. The vest was attached to his swimsuit. When he took off the vest he lost his trunks.
Jarod: Another kid went around eating wood chips.

Do either of you have any good tee pee stories?
I didn’t do it very often. Once in the fifth grade a group went to Nick Simons. No, I mean Austin Dumbaugh’s house. The group included Alexa, Tori, Morgan and Kaitlin. We were in his yard and our driver saw the Dumbaughs coming home and drove off without us.

Jarod: I was tee peed once. We had a trampoline in the yard. They wove the paper in and out of it and then in rained. It was really hard to clean up.

Tell me about the worst grade you ever received in school.
In think in fourth grade I received a 33 on a book quiz. I didn’t read the book. It was “How To Eat Fried Worms.” I didn't like the book.

Care to mention your all-time favorite movie?
Dodge ball. I’ve probably watched it 20 times or more.
Madison: The Campaign. Probably 30 times.

And the worst movie was?
March of the Penguins. I was in the third grade. It was a documentary. It was a bad choice.

For lunch are you packer or buyers?
I pack.
Jarod: I buy.

I suppose you sit at the same table with the same friends every lunch?
I sit with Lindsay, Tori, Tessa, Morgan, Gabby, Hailey, Meagan, Carlee and Alexa.
Jarod: I sit with Steven, Noah, Luke, Hunter, Jake, Matt, Zach, Chanler and Terra.

What are your plans next year?
I’m going to Rhodes for two years. I want to major in marketing and minor in fashion merchandizing. Then I’ll transfer for a four-year school.
Jarod: I’m going to Ashland. I want to become an athletic trainer and maybe coach wrestling.

If you could take any famous person to lunch in Ada with just you, who would it be and where would you go?
Any member of One Direction at El Campo.
Jarod: Aaron Rogers, Packers quarterback at El Campo.

Well, it’s nice talking with you. Good luck the rest of the school year.
