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Parent-teacher conferences and lots more planned at Ada schools this month

Lots of events are on the Ada school calendar in November and December. Here's the latest from the Ada school website.

Nov. 14th End of 2nd Interim
Nov. 18th 2 Hour Early Release for Teacher-In-Service
Nov. 21st Interim will be passed out in Homeroom
Nov. 24th Parent/Teacher Conference 4:00 to 8:30 PM
Nov. 25th No School for students-Parent/Teacher Conference 10:00 – 8:00 PM
Nov. 26th to 28th No School for Thanksgiving Break

FFA FRUIT SALE: last call for FFA citrus fruit and apples. orders due by Monday. if you haven't been contacted by a FFA member and want to order call the school at 419-634-2746. delivery will be about Dec. 10.

ACADEMIC BOOSTERS: Would you like a chance to win Visa gift cards? Then bring in your box tops and Campbell’s soup labels by Nov. 21. We’ll be drawing for:
1st place $150 
2nd place $100 
3rd place $50 Visa gift cards.

Three chances to win for grades 6-8 and three chances for grades 9-12 for every 10 box tops or labels you bring in! Turn them into your Language Arts teachers or look for the new drop box outside of the library.

BETA CLUB: Get ready 7th and 8th grade classes. Friday, Nov. 14th, in the cafeteria will be the Jr High dance brought to you by the Jr High Beta Club. Dress casual and bring $5 and canned good for admission.

NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY: There will be a short National Honor Society meeting on Thursday in the Media Center. Please eat lunch first and report to the Media Center at 1 p.m.. See Mrs. Davis if you have any questions.

BOOK CLUB: Will be meeting Friday in the library at 8 a.m. to discuss Papertowns by John Green. We will also discuss next month’s gift exchange. See you for breakfast on Friday!

STUDENTS: Please check the list on the library windows for overdue items you may need to return. Paper copies will be sent home with interim’s next week. Also, if you have borrowed a Book Club book, these need to be returned as well. See Mrs. Smith with any questions.

STUDENT COUNCIL: Will have a lunch meeting on Thursday, Nov. 13th. Please plan to pack your lunch and meet in the library to plan for the upcoming concessions season.

BOOK FAIR: Mrs. Smith is in need of student volunteers to assist with the Book Fair. If you have a study hall and would be willing to help, please see Mrs. Smith in the library.


