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"Love in Small Doses," Lynne Scott's latest novel - get an autographed copy on Saturday

Saturday is your chance to have a book purchased and signed by Ada author Lynne Scott.

Her newest novel has a signing party from 12:30 to 2 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 15, at the Cask Room, 127 S. Main St., in the former location of Gardner Drug Store.

Her latest novel, “Love in Small Doses,” is the story of a small town pharmacist and the changes she and the town experience when a large retailer moves in for competition.

Copies of Scott’s earlier novels will also be available for purchase at Saturday’s signing.

Scott’s previous titles are “Community Pool,”  “Miranda’s Bottom,” “Chronia Polla,” and a novella, “Mr. Hurst’s Ambition.”  They are listed under the authorship of Lynne E. Scott.

The books are all available on Amazon in hard copy and also for Kindle readers. They are also available at The Artists’ Boutique and The Inn at Ohio Northern in Ada. 

Each hard copy book is $10 and the novella is $8.
