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Bryan Marshall given 10-year perfect attendance certificate by Kiwanis

The Ada Kiwanis Club met on  October 7  at Community Health Professionals, Ada. President John Berg called the meeting to order.

There were no guests present.

The birthday of member Brian Myers (October 9th) was noted in song.
   The wedding anniversary of Scott and Jamie Wills (October 2nd) was noted.  

The 54th membership anniversary of Al Baillis (Oct 1, 1960) was also noted.
In business:
-The Board of will meet today following the regular meeting.
-Past Secretary Brian Meyers gave Bryan Marshall a certificate of perfect attendance for 10 years.
-Treasurer Brian Marshall updated members on club finances.
-The Satellite Club:  meet tomorrow at 6 p.m. at the Community Health Professionals.
-ONU Circle K met last Monday evening and discussed their helping Restore during the Harvest and Herb Festival.   -The club’s annual Spaghetti Dinner will be held Thursday October 23rd.A volunteer list was passed around. The Aktion Club will participate again this year.
-The club’s annual Halloween parade will be held on Monday, October 27.  Set-up will be at the Municipal meeting.  Registration is at 5:30 and the parade starts at 6 pm.     
-The club will host the Restore community meal on Tuesday October 28th.
-Possible projects for the coming year were discussed.

-Future Meetings/Activities:
-October14 Brief business meeting. Program: village issue, getting organized (John Berg)
      -October 21 Service activity (Brian Myers)
      -October 22 Spaghetti preparation at Ada school     
-October 23 Spaghetti dinner
-October 27 Mon. eve. Halloween Parade
-October 28 Brief business meeting, program (Myrna McCurdy)

The Ada Kiwanis meets at noon each Tuesday in McIntosh Center, ONU. Guests are always welcome. Visit the club’s Facebook page.
