Five Icon football contest contestants correctly picked 8 games this week and Travis Swank was declared the winner based on being closest in the 2nd tie-breaker, according to Corey Greer, contest judge.
All 5 contestants picked Bluffton to win and all 5 contestants picked Ada to lose. Travis picked Ada to lose by 17-24 points. All others picked the score to be closer.
Other contestants:
8 correct - Marc Staley, Nathan Davis, Ted Prueter and Ken Von Lehmden.
7 correct - Jim Dillman, Marvin Foster, Barry Schneck, Brandon Huber, Nathan Curtis, Tom Clark, Kim Badertscher and Greg Ansley.
6 correct - Richard Johnson, Will I Am Edwards, Scott Basinger, Silas Amstutz, Denny Edinger, Ruth Johnson, Shannon Weissling, Brad Smith, Tom Benroth, Duane Bollenbacher, Brad Jones, Nancy Armour and Drew Gable.
5 correct - Luke Amstutz, Mark Delisle, Mark Wolke, Tammy Risner, Chris Boisvert, David Dellifield, Craig Hoffman, Scott Weissling and Bentley Dillman.
4 correct - John Clevidence, Dan Knapinski, Theresa Bingman, Becky Warren, Dale Badertscher, Tim McKinley, Todd Fleharty, Kim Spangler and Deezy McDaniel.
3 correct - Elizabeth Boisvert, Mark Sommers, Ben Reineke, Landyn Fleharty, Jared Lehman and David Yoder.
2 correct - James Crawfis.