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Kiwanis and Rotary hold joint meeting Sept. 30

Secretary Brian Myers called the weekly meeting (September 9) of the Ada Kiwanis Club to order at 12 noon in McIntosh Center, ONU.

The invocation was offered by Jon Umphress.

The wedding anniversary Bruce and Sandy Neely – (September 14, 1968) was noted.

Members were asked to keep the Cox and Marshall families in their prayers.

Sandy Neely thanked members for the get-well card and noted that she was glad to be back after recent surgery.

In business:
-Members heard an updated financial report.
-Secretary Brian Myers reported that 2014-2015 dues are now due. Please see Bryan Marshall, Treasurer.
-The satellite club will meet tomorrow evening at 6 p.m. at Community Health Professionals.
-On September 16, a Division 2 meeting will be held at the Wishing Well at 6:30 p.m. in replace of regular Tuesday noon meeting. The Division 2 banner will be passed to Karen Cisco, Lt. Governor-Elect.
-The club will hold a joint meeting with the Ada Rotary Club on September 30. Ohio Representative John Sprague will be the guest speaker.
-Joe Ferguson updated members on the results on the livestock auction at this year’s Hardin County Fair.
-Club members will be a part of the Harvest and Herb Parade on September 20.
-The club’s annual Spaghetti Dinner is set for Thursday evening, October 23 at the Ada High School Cafeteria. Serving time is from 4:30–7 p.m. and the cost is $7.00 per person, 10 under, free. Tickets are now available from any Kiwanis member.
-Bill Fuller reported that Circle K will hold their first meeting of the new school year tomorrow evening.

Kiwanis Education Minute: The first female to serve on the Kiwanis International Board was Lisa McCoy of the Kiwanis Club of Jacksonville, Texas. She was elected to the board at the 86th Kiwanis International Convention in Taiwan in 2001.

Something to Ponder: If a woman is standing in the middle of the forest speaking and there is no man around to hear her, is she still wrong?

Upcoming Meetings/Events
-September 16 – Division 2 meeting
-September 20 – Harvest and Herb Parade
-September 23 – Installation of Officers –Wishing Well.
-September 30 – Representative Sprague
-October 21 – Peter Previte
-October 23 – Spaghetti Dinner (Ada Schools)
-October 27 – Halloween Parade.

For his program, Bryan Marshall supplied members with a list of little known fact, which members enjoyed sharing with each other.

The Ada Kiwanis Club meets each Tuesday at 12:00 noon at McIntosh Center, ONU. Guests are always welcome.

Please visit our Facebook page.
