Twenty years ago, when Ken Blanchard worked at Ford’s Lima plant, he read that one in five Americans read at a third or fourth grade level and another 20 percent at an eighth grade level.
Blanchard didn’t believe it at first — until he stopped to think about co-workers and others he knew who couldn’t read. So, after retiring from Ford, Blanchard accepted the position as Executive Director of the Literacy Council in Lima, whose mission is to teach adults to read.
Blanchard shared these observations with the Ada Rotary Club, explaining that low reading skills equal low writing skills which equal low computer skills. “You could cope (without those skills) then; you can’t now,” Blanchard said.
Blanchard also introduced Laura Ball, who is the Adult Basic and Literacy Education (ABLE)/GED Coordinator. ABLE offers free classes for adults who have a high school diploma, linking them to employment and post-secondary educational opportunities.
Ball’s program also prepares adults to pass the GED. The GED program served 475 adults in 2013 and 541 in 2014. Services are free and will be made available in Ada.
Ada Rotary also discussed plans for a cane toss at the Harvest & Herb Festival in downtown Ada September 20. In addition, Ada Chamber President Deb Curlis will speak on the “Buy Local” program September 16 and Harry Hooyenda will update Rotarians on the world-wide campaign to eradicate polio September 23.
In other Rotary news:
- President Angela Hersh formally introduced Linda Armstrong, Manager of U.S. Bank in Ada, as a new member.
- Dictionaries are being ordered to give to third graders at Ada, Allen East, Hardin Northern and Upper Scioto Valley schools. This is one of Ada Rotary’s annual “signature” projects.
- The club discussed its fourth annual Wine Pairing at the Inn at Ohio Northern December 4. Tickets are $45 each plus tax and gratuity.
- Ada Rotary Club meets every Tuesday at noon at the Inn at Ohio Northern University.