Ticket pre-sales continue until Friday, Aug. 22, for the annual Ada Music Boosters Chicken barbecue. Held before the first home football game of the year, the barbecue will be from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., on Friday, Aug. 29. The Bulldogs host USV at War Memorial Stadium, game time 7:30 p.m.
The annual Chicken barbecue is a major fund-raiser for the Ada Music Boosters with proceeds benefitting numerous projects for the Ada School’s music department. Contact any band or choir member to purchase tickets, or call Dave Smittle at 419-230-8147. Tickets are being sold now through Aug. 22.
Priced at $8, the dinner includes one-half grilled chicken, green beans, cheesy potatoes and a dinner roll. Cold drinks are available the day of pick-up for 50 cents each.
The Ada Music Boosters Chicken barbecue is a long-standing Ada tradition because so many find it to be an easy way for families to enjoy a quick and convenient dinner before the first home football game.
BBQ Express is being used again because they consistently offer a high quality, delicious meal. Hundreds of dinners are sold every year and you are encouraged to buy tickets early again this year.