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Ohio Northern University featured as a College of Distinction

Ohio Northern University has been honored as a College of Distinction for the 2014-15 school year in the 15th annual “Colleges of Distinction” guide.

“Colleges of Distinction” is a web-based guide for high school juniors and seniors trying to identify a school that is nationally recognized and highly recommended by professionals in the field of education. Colleges and universities are nominated for participation by high school counselors and then evaluated using qualitative and quantitative research.

Schools selected must excel in the four distinctions: engaged students, great teaching, vibrant communities, and successful outcomes. The colleges and universities are not ranked; instead, they are members of a consortium of other equally impressive schools.

The schools on the list are currently featured on and will be included in the “2014-2015 Colleges of Distinction” e-guidebook, which will be available via online retailers and distributed free-of-charge to a list of more than 40,000 high school and community college counselors.

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