Tickets for the 2014 fall sports season are now on sale for Ada High School sports fans.
Tickets are available at Ada schools. Prices follow:
Fall sports (only) season pass
Adults $40
Students $35
Winter sports (only) season pass
Students $45
Adults $55
Combined season passes
Adults $80
Students $55
Varsity football and boys' basketball (pre-sale)
Adults $5
Students $4
At the gate all tickets $6
Volleyball and varsity girls' basketball (no pre-season)
Adults $5
Students $4
Junior High/freshman football and basketball, Junior high volleyball
Adults $3
Students $2
Ada Invitational Track
Adults $5
Students $4
Family pass to all events $225
There is no charge for junior varsity football and track meets, other than the Northwest Conference meet for high school and junior high.