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And here are the pedal pull winners from Saturday

There's more high-powered tractors in Ada than you might realize. Fifty-six youth entered this year's Ada Farmers and Merchants Picnic pedal pull, coordinated by the Ada Kiwanis Club.


Here are the winners:
Class 1 (age 3 & 4)    11 competitors
1st Place Marshall Capps  Lima
2nd Place Chad Williams  Ada
3rd Place Carter Reese  Perrysburg
4th Place Langston McClain  Ada

Class 2 (age 5 & 6)    26 competitors
1st Place Slade Gossman  Ada
2nd Place Carson Reese  Ada
3rd Place Lane Shea  Leipsic
4th Place Andrue Lamb  Alger

Class 3  (age 7 & 8)    19 competitors
1st Place Madisun McCoy Dunkirk
2nd Place Kennedy Jones  Ada
3rd Place Jillian Hazelton  Ada
4th Place Sierrah Sewell  Fairborn

Total competitors 56

Kiwanis members who served on pedal pull event, Scott Allison, John Berg, Joe Ferguson, Carol Friesner, Harold Friesner, Marilyn Green, Bryan Marshall, Myrna McCurdy, Robert McCurdy, Jon Umphress and Charles VanDyne.  The club's special guest, who took the pictures, was Junko Yamaguchi of Japan.


From left to right: Class 3, Class 2, Class 1 winners
• In each photo, first place is on far left and second, third and fourth place are from left to right.


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