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Area wheat harvest above average; soybeans and corn also look good

“Good quality wheat and an above average yield.”

That’s one way to describe the 2014 wheat harvest in the Icon viewership area.

Larry Kaiser, manager Ada grain branch of Heritage Cooperative, provide the Icon with some of this year’s harvest figures.

Kaiser reports yields ranging from 65 to 90 bushels per acre, with an average of about 80 bushels per acre. Moisture content average was 15.2 percent mostly (13.5 percent is dry).

The first wheat arrived at the Ada elevator on July 5 and the harvest should be completed by the end of this week.

Price per bushel earlier this week was $5.25, which is down from $7.00 per bushel, when the price peaked earlier.

“It’s good quality wheat and a good to very good yield,” he said.

Ada’s wheat mostly goes to Kenton by truck or rail. This area has soft red winter wheat. Kaiser said that  area wheat is mostly used for cookies and crackers.

In terms of the three major crops going to the Ada elevator, wheat accounts for about 50,000 bushels, soybeans one-half million bushels and corn about 1.2 million bushels each year, said Kaiser.

Concerning the next harvest, Kaiser said that he expects to see the soybean harvest start in late September. He expects average to above average soybean yields.

He said the he also anticipates a strong corn harvest coming in on the tails of soybeans.


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