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Hardin County 4-H dog bowl teams place in first year of competition

Hardin County 4-H was well represented at the 4-H State Dog Bowl Competition this year. The Dog Bowl was held on Saturday, June 7 at the Ohio 4-H Center in Columbus.

This was the first year that Hardin County sent teams to the competition, a double elimination quiz tournament focusing on dog knowledge. The junior team placed 2nd in the tournament. Junior team members include Adeline Moore, Allison Moore, Katherine Moore, Oliver Moore and Ruth Anne Osborne. The senior team, comprised of Hope Hazelton, Lydia Osborne, Abigail Osborne and Catherine Osborne, placed 5th.

The top ten individuals for both age brackets were also recognized. In the junior division, Hardin County’s Adeline Moore was ranked 1st and Oliver Moore ranked 7th. In the senior division, Hope Hazelton was ranked 8th. Members are involved in Hardin County Tailwaggers and Pawsitive Attitude 4-H Clubs. Both teams are coached by 4-H Volunteer Danielle Moore.

The Dog Bowl teams would like to thank those who helped them prepare for this trip.  Special thanks go to the Alger Public Library for providing a free study space each week.  The teams got together to study and prepare for 2 hours each week beginning in February.  Another thank you goes to the Hardin County 4-H Council for sponsoring the teams’ entry fees. Lastly, they thank the 4-H advisors and parents who helped the teams study and supported them at the competition.

The Dog Bowl teams are always looking for new members. If you are interested in joining the 4-H Dog Bowl team next year, contact the OSU Extension Office at 419-674-2297 for more details.
