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Hardin Jumbo Junior Farmers 4-H Club organizes for the year

The Jumbo Jr. Farmers met at 7 p.m. on April 14, at the McDonald Township Hall.  There were 12 members in attendance and 10 guests present.

The 4-H pledge was led by Isaac Smith and the Pledge of Allegiance by Drew Hoppe.  The role of members was taken by the members answering their favorite activity to do in the summer. 

The committee reports included a treasurer and secretary reports. The members shared specific goals they
had for this years projects.  The upcoming meeting calendar was shared for meetings to be held on Wednesday evenings at 7:00. The advisors shared upcoming events including Quality Assurance training on May 28. 

The Health officer, Kevin Smith will have a report for the April 30 meeting.

The club would further discuss the option of ordering t-shirts at the next meeting. Refreshments were shared and recreation was lead by John Tackett. For the next, meeting Colin Dyer will lead recreation.  The Smith  nd
Shaffer family will provide refreshments for the next meeting.  The next meeting of the Jumbo Jr. Farmers will be April 304 at 7:00 p.m. at he McDonald Township Hall. 
