On Tuesday afternoons in April, parents of school aged children will have an opportunity to explore how to be the greatest influence on their kids. sponsored by the OSU Extension, Ohio Northern University, Ada Library, Ada Schools, and the Ohio Children’s Trust Fund, the “Active Parenting Now in 3” program provides great practical ways to connect and stay connected with your children.
The program’s organizers emphasizes that “parenting is the most difficult and challenging job you will ever do. Children don’t come with instruction books; it is difficult to know what to do when your children misbehave. It is also hard to know how to help them grow up in the best way. Research shows that parents still have the greatest influence on their kids, more than anything or anyone else. You are your child’s best bet for a safe, happy and fulfilling life. Be involved with your kids. Talk with your kids.”
A series of three sessions of Active Parenting Now in 3 will be offerend from 4-6 p.m. on April 8, 15, and 22, in Room 137, Dicke Hall, Ohio Northern University, 525 S., Main St, Ada.
To register, phone the OSU extension office at 419-674-2297, e-mail [email protected] or go online at go.osu.edu/adaregistersforapn3.