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Lamb and Wool Queen and Scholarship form on The Icon

The Hardin County Sheep Improvement Association is looking for 2014 Lamb & Wool Queen contestants and scholarship applicants.


Eligible candidates for the title, Lamb & Wool Queen, must be age 15 through 20 as of
Jan. 1, 2014, and either live on a farm where sheep are produced, or have a sheep
project in the Hardin County Junior Fair to be eligible. Contestants must complete an
entry form.

For further information about the Lamb & Wool Queen contest, please contact the Sheep
Improvement Queen Committee Chair, Kristie Fay at 419-673-8264.

The Hardin County Sheep Improvement Association is also offering a five hundred dollar
scholarship to a student entering/attending college for the 2014-2015 school year.

Applicants and their parents/guardians must be residents of Hardin County prior to the
applicant entering college, and must be maintaining a 2.5 grade point average. Applicant
must have had a sheep project and shown at the Hardin County Fair.

For more information about the scholarship, please contact the Sheep Improvement
Scholarship Committee Chair, Peter Previte at 419-634-2202.

Applications and rules for both the Hardin County Lamb & Wool Queen and the
Scholarship are available from your school’s FFA advisor, high school guidance
counselor, or can be obtained from the OSU Extension office and its website at Applications must be received at
the Hardin County Extension Office by Feb. 21.
