Despite weather delays, lots of events take place in February at Ada schools. Here's an update from the school website:
Feb. 21- Interim grade cards sent home with all students
Feb. 25 - 2 Hour Early Dismissal for Teachers In-Service
Feb. 26 - Spring Pictures Order forms in High School Office
ATTENTION JUNIORS & SENIORS: Any Junior or Senior with an accumulative 3.4 GPA or higher who would like to apply for membership in the Ada Chapter of the National Honor Society must see Lyn Davis to pick up an application. Applications are due to Mrs. Davis by March 3. Students are required to apply and will not automatically qualify.
JR HIGH TRACK: There will be a Junior High track meeting for anyone planning to participate in track this spring at 3:45 p.m. in the new gym in the new school, on Monday, Feb. 24.
ADVISORY GROUPS: The High School Aspiration team is sponsoring a contest to promote the NHS “Clean your Closet Campaign”. The Advisory group to collect the most donated items by Friday, Feb.28, will win donut party. There will be one winner for grades 6-8 and one winner for grades 9-12. Please bring in your slightly used clothes, purses, and coats you would like to donate to your Advisory teacher.
SOPHOMORES: Due to school being cancelled Tuesday, the Apollo application deadline has been extended to Friday, Feb 21, at 8:30 a.m.