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Brandon Butterfield attains Boy Scout Eagle rank

 Brandon Butterfield of Ada Boy Scouts Troop 124 earned his Eagle Scout award at a Board of Review eariler this past summer. His ceremony was held at the Harrod Fire Department in November. 

At the ceremony Scoutmaster Tom Lehman introduced seven Scouts from the troop to describe Brandon’s trail to Eagle. 

Deavan Scott told what was required to earn the Scout Rank. Nathan Hurtig told about the rank of Tenderfoot. Samuel Brown described the rank of Second Class. The requirements for First Class were recounted by Korwin Kurtz. Jacob Butterfield told what was needed for the rank of Star. The rank of Life Scout was defined by Aaron Spar. Luke Butterfield expressed what was required to become an Eagle Scout.

Assistant Scoutmaster, David Savino, presented the Eagle Badge, along with Mother’s and Father’s pins. Committee Chairman, Jim Shilling, gave the Eagle Charge. Brandon Butterfield, then, thanked many people who helped him along this trail and recognized the Auglaize Historical Society as his benefactor for his project.

He presented Lehman and Savino with Mentor Pins for their guidance and direction throughout his Boy Scouting career.  

Brandon's project involved building a pump house in the Harrod Railroad Park for the Auglaize Township Historical Society. He attended meetings, drew up plans, secured all materials, organized work days and he and the troop finished the project accumulating more than 170 hours. His project is located in the RR Park behind the red RR station in the center of town.

Butterfield is a senior in high school and a student at Rhodes State College taking Post-Secondary Classes. He has earned 40 merit badges. He has served as Den Chief, Patrol Leader, Assist Senior Patrol Leader, and Senior Patrol Leader for the troop. He has been scouting since a Tiger Scout in 2001 with Pack 11 in Lafayette. 

In joined the troop in Ada in 2007. He has attended the National Scout Jamboree in 2010 and 2013. He went on a Philmont Trek in 2012 in which he hiked 98 miles. He is a member of the Order of the Arrow, Mawat Woakus Lodge. He has attended training for Den Chief and Senior Patrol Leader, he also attended National Youth Leadership Training in 2010. 

He also earned his religious award in 2010. Now that Brandon has aged out of scouting at  18, he is serving on the troop committee, serving as a merit badge counselor, and is an Assistant Scoutmaster.

To earn the Eagle Scout rank, the highest advancement rank in Scouting, a Boy Scout must fulfill requirements in the areas of leadership, service, and outdoor skills. Although many options are available to demonstrate proficiency in these areas, a number of specific skills are required to advance through the ranks—Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Star, Life, and Eagle. To advance, a Boy Scout must pass specific tests that are organized by requirements and merit badges.

