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Attention farmers: Weed control strategies focus of Jan. 28 breakfast

Weed Control Strategies is the focus of the next Conservation Tillage Club breakfast program Tuesday, Jan. 28 at the Plaza Inn in Mt. Victory. The meeting will begin at 7:30 a.m. with a complimentary buffet breakfast followed by the program at 8 a.m.  The program will feature Harold Watters, OSU Extension Field Specialist, Agronomic Systems. 

Watters will present a program on weed control strategies, speaking on the results of the county weed survey conducted in Ohio, history of herbicide resistant weeds, Palmer amaranth concerns, and managing weeds with multiple modes of action.  Members of the Ridgemont FFA Chapter will be handing out dust masks and educational materials to meeting attendees as part of a local ag safety initiative.

The Conservation Tillage Breakfast program series is jointly sponsored by OSU Extension and the Soil and Water Conservation Districts of Hardin, Logan, and Union Counties.  Breakfast is provided by the generous support of agricultural lenders and agricultural businesses.  All events are open to the public and no advance registration is required.  Integrated Pest Management continuing education credits for Certified Crop Advisors are available.

For more information about OSU Extension, Agriculture and Natural Resources, visit the Hardin County OSU Extension web site at, the Hardin County OSU Extension Facebook page or contact Mark Badertscher at 419-674-2297.


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