Today Governor John R. Kasich authorized use of State Disaster Relief funds to assist the Villages of Cloverdale (Putnam Co.) and Jerry City (Wood Co.) as they continue to recover from the severe storms and tornadoes that impacted Ohio on November 17, 2013.
“I’ve reached out to local officials across the impacted areas to make sure the state is doing all we can to help our neighbors get back on their feet,” said Kasich. “Both Cloverdale and Jerry City are in need of some additional assistance, so we’re going to help them get through this and will continue to monitor the situation in case future needs arise.”
The State Disaster Relief Program is an authorized reimbursement program intended to provide assistance to local governments and eligible private non-profits organizations for costs associated with debris removal, emergency protective measures and permanent work. The Ohio Emergency Management Agency (Ohio EMA) continues to work with local communities in affected areas to determine the impact of the severe storms and tornadoes.
On Sunday, November 17, the Ohio EMA began monitoring potential severe weather throughout the state. The State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) was activated and the SEOC Assessment room was staffed around the clock from November 17 through November 19. A line of severe thunderstorms moved across Ohio during the afternoon and continued moving east with a constant string of intense activity into the evening. At its peak, the storm packed winds reaching 40-50 mph, with some wind reports indicating gusts of 75 to 85 mph. Wind damage to buildings, trees, and power lines was reported, especially in the western part of the state.
Gov. Kasich’s letter authorizing use of the State Disaster Relief Program can be viewed here.