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Jon Umprhess shares classic commercials from the '60s with Kiwanis

President  Heather Cox called the weekly meet (October 15th) of the Ada Kiwanis Club to order at 12:00 noon at McIntosh Center, Ohio Northern University.

Invocation was offered by Jon Umphress

The birthday of member Sharon MacKenzie (October 21st) was noted in song.
The membership anniversary of Bryan Marshall (October 21, 1986) was noted.

In business:
-Treasurer Bryan Marshall presented his weekly report.
-Secretary Brian Myers reported that the Ohio Key Leader Fall 2013 session will be held Friday, November 15th – November 17th. The club will put off soliciting applications until the spring.
-Jeff Schulman reported on last week’s satellite club meeting. With all the projects this month, the group will not meet again until October 30th. The Club put a proposal was put forward of re-instating the 50/50 drawing each week, with the proceeds going to support Kiwanis International’s Eliminate project. Jeff Schulman presented the pediatric board project where the club would provide funds for two boards and care bears. A grant application to the Ohio Kiwanis Foundation is possible and Jeff is willing to write the grant.   
-The club will provide food for tonight’s Crock pot meal at Restore.
-The club’s annual Spaghetti Dinner is set for Friday October 18th. The time of the dinner will be 5:00-7:00 pm. Tickets are still available.

-Plans for the club’s annual Halloween Parade are underway. Bags are purchased. The trophies are in place. The Ada The event is sent for Monday October 28th. 28th. Registration starts at 5:30. The parade, led by the Ada High School Band will follow with judging at the Ada Railroad Depot. Other events are also being scheduled along with this including a soup cook off and scavenger hunt.

-The club will provide food for the November 11th blood drive at the Community Health Professionals Building.
-Kiwanis Education Minute: A “service project” is defined by Kiwanis International as “an activity, consistent with the Kiwanis Club or a club committee and performed by members of the club for the benefit of others.”

-Something to Ponder:
Why are there flotation devices under plane seats instead of parachutes?
-Upcoming Meetings/Events
-Oct. 15 Crock Pot Tues. ReStore
-Oct. 18 Spaghetti Dinner at Ada Schools
-Oct. 22 Mark Light – Put candy in bags for Halloween Parade.
-Oct. 28 Halloween Parade
-Oct. 29 Robert McCurdy
-Nov. 11 Provide food for Blood Drive

Jon Umphress presented the program. He shared a video of classic commercials from the 1960,s
The Ada Kiwanis Club meets at 12:00 noon on Tuesdays at McIntosh Center, ONU. Guests are always welcome.
