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Adelyn Althaus wins Icon football contest for week 6

The winner of Week 6 of The Icon Football Contest is Adelyn Althaus.  Adelyn and Luke Amstutz both correctly picked 14 games this week.  Both contestants chose the same twotie-breakers.  Adelyn was declared the winner by virtue of entering her picks first. 

Other contestants:
13 correct - Barry Schneck, Duane Bollenbacher, Jerry Cupples, Randy Stewart, Tater Hooker and Todd Fleharty.
12 correct - David Glick, John Dailey, Nancy Armour, Nathan Davis, Randy Garmatter and Tom Clark.
11 correct - Bev Henson, Bill Edwards, Jim Dillman, John Schmutz, Matt Amstutz and Rich Johnson.
10 correct - Brandon Huber, Bryan White, Darin Moser, Denny Edinger, John Clevidence, Mandy LeVeck, Mark Delisle and Megan Morris.
9 correct - Ben Reineke, Elfrieda Ramseyer, Jared Lehman, Mike Falk and Travis Hazelton.
8 correct - Mark Sommers, Todd Larson and Weston Robinson.

Cumulative Totals:

62 correct - Adelyn Althaus.
61 correct - Tater Hooker.
60 correct - Todd Fleharty.
58 correct - Nathan Davis.
57 correct - David Glick.
55 correct - Duane Bollenbacher.
54 correct - Luke Amstutz and Mark Delisle.
53 correct - Barry Schneck.
52 correct - Jim Dillman and John Schmutz.
There are 62 other contestants with less than 52 accumulated points.
