President Myrna McCurdy called the weekly meeting of the Ada Kiwanis Club at 12 noon on Tuesday September 17, at McIntosh Center, Ohio Northern University.
Jon Umphress offered the invocation.
Elizabeth McKinney, vice-president ONU Circle, K was welcomed as a guest.
The birthdays of Charles Van Dyne, David MacDonald and Marilyn Green were noted.
The membership anniversary of Harold Friesner (September 21, 2007) was also noted.
The wedding anniversary of Joe and Linda Ferguson (September 23, 1972)-41 years was also noted.
Members were asked to keep Mark Light and Al Baillis in our prayers.
In business:
Treasurer Bryan Marshall updated members on club finances. Wednesday
-Dues for 2013-14 are now due.
-A Division 2 Council Meeting is set for today at the Briarwood Village Community Room in Coldwater.
-The next satellite club meeting is set for tomorrow night at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Health Professionals’
-Heather Cox reported on her Installation Dinner. It will be held on Wednesday September 24th at11:45 am at the Wishing Well, ONU.
-The annual Spaghetti Dinner at Ada High School was discussed. It is set for Friday October 18th. From 5:00-7:00 p.m. Tickets are available Kiwanis member.
-The club will participate in the Harvest and Herb Festival parade.
-Details for the upcoming Crock pot Tuesday meal at Restore meal were discussed. It will be on October 15th Harold Friesner is working on the project.
-ONU Circle K reported that they have a meeting tonight. They will help at Restore, the Freed Center and the Harvest and Herb Festival.
Kiwanis Education Minute:
From Past International President A. Alan Penn: “The Eliminate Campaign” is a great way to enhance our image of Kiwanis worldwide. …in a world where death makes headlines every day, it is a powerful statement to the world that Kiwanis is saving and protecting millions of Lives.”
Something to Consider:
From “Live and Love and Pass it On: From a 33 year old, “I’ve learned that you shouldn’t buy cheap shoes, cheap tools, or cheap toilet paper.” And from a 72 year old, “I’ve learned that people are in such a hurry to get to the “good life,” that they often rush right past it
Upcoming Meetings/Events:
-Sept. 21 2013 Harvest and Herb Festival Parade
-Sept. 24 Installation of Officers regular noon meeting time
-Oct. 1 Myrna McCurdy
-Oct. 8 Charles Van Dyne
-Oct. 15 Jon Umphress
-Oct. 15 Crock Pot Tues. Restore
-Oct. 18 Spaghetti Dinner at Ada Schools
-Oct. 22 Mark Light
-Oct. 28 (Monday) Halloween Parade
-Oct. 29 Robert McCurdy
Ada Kiwanis member Scott Allison talked about his endeavors as they have taken on organizing the Harvest and Herb Festival, which is administered by the Ada Chamber of Commerce with the help of many other people.
This is the 28th anniversary of the event.There are 150 vendors and a whole host of other booths for the event.
He discussed the bands and other aspects of organizing the parade.
He talked about the H&H Queen Contest that is an involved process that includes an essay and interview.
He mentioned some of the musical acts that will perform at the event, which runs from 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Peter Previte was invited to tell some of the history of the event and how he was the first food vendor for the event and how he nearly blew up a gas grill…which clearly got the best of him.
He completed the program by suggesting that the people watch a video on Jackson Doll, who is autistic and is from Findlay and whose family has connections to Ada. He is Pam Turner’s grandson and Jennifer (Smith) Doll’s son) on the Gliding Stars Program. You can see the Video here: HYPERLINK ""
The Ada Kiwanis Club meets each Tuesday at 12 noon in McIntosh Center, ONU. Guests are always welcome.
For more information, visit the club’s web site at .