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Hardin Agriculture Hall of Fame nominations sought

By Mark Badertscher, OSU Extension Educator

Ohio State University Extension, Hardin County - Applications will be accepted for the 2013 Hardin County Agriculture Hall of Fame through the end of business on October 15. 

Nominees must have made their major contribution to agriculture primarily as a result of being born, growing up, living in, or working in Hardin County, Ohio.  Outstanding agriculturalists may be nominated by individuals or organizations.  Nomination forms are available at the Hardin County OSU Extension office or on the Hardin County OSU

Extension website at:  Completed forms must be returned to the OSU Extension Office, 1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, Ohio, 43326, no later than October 15, 2013.

The Purpose of the Hardin County Agriculture Hall of Fame is to recognize and honor outstanding contributions to agriculture by Hardin County people.  Annual awards will be made to men or women who have been instrumental to the success and excellence of agriculture, either as a farmer or in an agriculturally related field.  We desire to honor and give public recognition to those who have brought distinction to themselves, have made outstanding contributions to their professions, and whose community involvement has served as a stimulus to others. 

Selected individuals who have been instrumental to the success and excellence of agriculture, will be honored at the Agriculture Hall of Fame Awards Banquet, scheduled for Tuesday, December 3, 2013.
